I was set on writing this entry at the end of today’s day of errands in Duluth, Minnesota (it’s Thursday); I like having an entry to end the ”blog week,” with my email going out on Fridays. But damn did we have a busy day out. We left the campsite before 9 am, and now […]
Tag: Minnesota

A Different “Premium” at Lake Superior
Man, it’s been almost a week since I posted last, which has to be a record for me. Since then, we: stayed overnight in a rest area near the Canadian border, which had its pros (a pond we sat by for happy hour) and cons (trucks moving in and out all night); crossed the border […]

Banjo Fords the Mississippi Headwaters
You guys know that Tracy used to take September off work to kayak a different section of the Mississippi each year. He moved on to major lakes only after he’d reached his goal of kayaking 1,000 miles of the river. Seriously. One-thousand miles. He paddled a large part of the upper Mississippi, but he never […]

Never Hand a Gnome Your Beer
The town we’re in, New Ulm, Minnesota, is the most-German town in the U.S. (I read that but now can’t find the source; it makes a good opener anyway though, right?). Its famous glockenspiel does its thing three times a day: the bells play and a window opens to reveal German figures moving around and […]

Almost Had to Add “Peacock Replacement” to the Budget
We’d put it under the column, “Banjo,” of course. What happened was we were walking in the formal gardens at historic Schell Brewery when we surprised a peacock. Banjo thought it would be quite a mouthful; she wanted at least a try at it. That was after this morning’s close call with a flock of […]

Tip: Know Which State You’re in Before You Critique It
I’m in Minnesota, and but I’ve gotten that wrong twice now: when complimenting the helpful associate at an AT&T store while she was hooking me up with unlimited cell service on my new iPad, and when complaining to the company that fixed my iPhone screen but screwed up three parts in the process. I won’t […]