That’s the Friends and Family Tour 2024, for any uninitiated readers out there. I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants this week, in another hometown of sorts, near Frederick, Maryland, where I worked for ten years. Spending precious time with old friends, fitting in PT appointments, scrambling to take notes during important calls […]
Tag: Maryland

Introducing Sookie the Barbie Kayak
I don’t know where to start with this one. Do I start with my first kayak, which I impulsively bought on the side of the road and shoved into my Prius C, then paddled the Potomac, the Shenandoah, Lake Anna, the Chesapeake Bay, Chincoteague Bay; knitted in, read books in, towed my niece behind; loved […]

Standing Ovation for Friends & Family Tour
We’ve had so many highlightable moments in the past few days that I’ve split my post into two. This is the people post. Next up is the kayak post. I understand you might smirk at both. “This is a travel blog, Shelly! When are you going somewhere?” I tell you what: We’re leaving tomorrow, and […]

xyHt What?
xyHt is the name of the magazine I helped produce for a hunk of my life. If you’re curious, hang on to your hat. (Otherwise skip this next paragraph.) The magazine is for a variety of professionals who locate and/or measure most everything: from exact spots on the ground, to big sections of land or […]

Escape from Alcatraz: Cicada Invasion
I’ve got a lot of stuff I want to tell you about but very few photos of people because I’ve been so busy. This is a major bummer, but I’ll work harder to remember to take photos before we leave this campsite. We’re at Greenbrier State Park in Maryland, a little northeast of Frederick, where […]

Calm and Quiet
I’m still here at Savage River State Forest, sitting in a camp chair overlooking the rushing creek at the back of our site. I’m watching a water thrush hop from one moss-covered rock to another. He has a long, fluffy, white insect in his beak. I feel too lazy to pick up the binoculars to […]

Five Days in the Hollow
We’re in Savage River State Forest, which isn’t really a hollow (“holler” for you non-Southerners). It’s a deeply wooded, steep valley that feels like a hollow, but it’s actually up in the Allegheny Mountains of Maryland, near Sleepy Creek. I started calling it a hollow as soon as we got here, when I broke out […]