After a long three weeks of fighting the usual healthcare rigamarole (plus a little malicious negligence that added a fourth), I have a plan for the knee. It’s a lot messier than this weirdness I just put together, but here it is in a nutshell. It demonstrates decently how life on the road can be […]
Tag: Knee

Knee News and 4 Years of Critters
Well, the knee news is bad. Full ACL tear. We have a lot to figure out, suddenly. Retrospective To give myself something to blog about that is not Knee News (and I do really want to keep blogging), I’m putting together a retrospective series for this blog. My first post was January 1, 2020, so […]

Knitting and Waiting
There is so much up in the air in my world that I can barely stay focused. At the same time, I’m bored off my rocker sitting around waiting for stuff to unfold. What the heck? Seriously, there’s the knee, plus all the other medical stuff we have scheduled before we hit the road again […]

Conjuring Good Vibrations
It’s been a week since my spectacular one-woman bicycle accident—amazingly, along a straight-away on a paved road—that somehow screwed up my knee. The more I think about it (it’s been a long week), the more I have no idea how I managed such a Charlie-Chaplinesque move. One minute I was zooming along, wondering about those […]

Airstreams Are Not Crutch-Compatible
I’ve been using crutches for less than a week now, so I hardly have room to complain. I’d like to; I surely feel like complaining. But seeing as how so many people I know have endured knee injuries, the only legit angle I have for whining is the pain in the ass that is living in […]

Santa Had a Sleigh Wreck
I was riding my bike back from the mailroom here at the RV park in Brownsville, with a couple of Christmas packages strapped to my basket (and by “strapped” I mean teetering one on top of the other behind me, no actual strap involved). The boxes started to shift, I did an ill-considered twist to […]