(I’m writing this without cell signal and can’t do even the smallest bit of research, so please forgive inaccuracies.) We decided to cross the border one final time, driving down the inside passage—along braided rivers and seemingly endless mountain ranges covered in a new, light layer of powdered snow, plus glaciers peeking out when you’re […]
Tag: Bears

Wild Things around Chugach
“Chugach” is the name for the native peoples in this southeast region of Alaska, and it’s the name of a national forest and the state park we’re in right now, amazingly near Anchorage. Elkutna Lake and Eagle River Close-ups I’m having a hard time posting photos of views that are not sweeping landscapes, so I’m […]

Flower Springs Lake
Lotsa photos! I’ve been stymied by broken eye glasses, a lost camera lens cap, and so many bear sightings that we have to keep Banjo close, but I’ve still managed to take too many pictures. Prophet River Wayside Provincial Park We’re still heading north up the Alaska Highway slowly, enjoying each stop. The provincial park […]