Those of you who live in the country will make fun of my enthusiasm here, but it’s been ages since I’ve lived in the middle of nature, and each time I spot an animal I haven’t seen in a while I get all excited and rub my hands together. Birds Tracy’s had his eyes to […]
Tag: Banjo

Banjo’s Story
Chapter 1: My Puppy Days I grew up on a farm in southwest Virginia, about a day’s trot through the woods from where I am now. My sister and I used to roam the farm, and we’d have a hoot chasing all the livestock—which we got yelled at about a lot. I loved it though. […]

What I’m Doing in Confinement
It’s a little tricky here when the weather is bad and we’re inside the Airstream all day long. Of course we walk Banjo at least three times a day in the woods, but we take turns when it’s cold or raining, and odds are that means I’m outside only once a day. That leaves something […]

What about Banjo?
Unwittingly, we made a couple of smart moves before we knew we’d be hitting the road this spring. One was adopting Banjo. We’d both agreed we wanted a dog to travel with, but the timing for adoption would be tricky. We had been fostering dogs thinking that we’d start looking for the special one closer […]