We are right on the Arkansas River in Little Rock, at a city campground that’s a lot like that one in the French Quarter of New Orleans. It’s basically just an organized parking lot, but it’s within walking and biking distance of most of downtown. What we thought might be a deal-breaker when we pulled […]
Tag: arkansas

Little Rock Nine and the Clinton Center
Oh my goodness is Little Rock, Arkansas, not what I expected. Not that that sets the bar high, seeing as how the main thing I was looking forward to was its cheese dip (which did not disappoint). Still, “better than cheese dip” is not a bad motto. We’ve done so much in just a few […]

Exhibit A: An Hour in Arkansas
We’re camped at Lake Chicot State Park, in the southeast corner of Arkansas, right off the Mississippi River. I posted last about kayaking here among the Cypress trees, which was phenomenal. The campground itself is very quiet right now during off season, with only one RV in our loop, and that RV pulls out and […]

Kayaking the Largest Oxbow
You probably know this, but I didn’t: an oxbow is a water formation that started as a big curve in a river that got cut off, as in the river took a short cut through the curve, for whatever reason, and kept going, leaving the curve on its own as a separate body of water. […]

I Can See Why People Get Strange Here
Both Army Corps of Engineers campsites where we’ve stayed in Arkansas (plus the last one in Missouri) the past couple of weeks have been downstream of flood-control reservoirs. And locals have complained to us that the towns upriver of them get precedence when it comes to control, whereas they get the flooding. Here at this […]

A Break from Prose
Finally, U.S. news items have broken my spirit—as well as being surrounded by Trump yard signs and photoshopped flags and stand-up dolls and his name in sidewalk chalk on campground drives. When I’ve been writing cheerfully I haven’t been disingenuous—I am enjoying this adventure. But the news cannot be ignored, and my silly little travel […]

Come along for a Travel Day
Join me as we leave our two-night campsite at Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas, and tow our home to our next stay for five nights at Nimrod Lake, also in Arkansas but a little south, on our way to Texas. Don’t be fooled by the three-hour driving time. Pack up Inside It’s about 9 am, and […]

They Call Me the Breeze; I Keep Blowin’ Down the Road
You’d have to know me pretty well to figure out why me having a Lynyrd Skynyrd song in my head would make me feel like my mom. I don’t like the band. I don’t even know how to spell the band’s name (and it’s weird that spellcheck in WordPress does). But like my mom, no […]