Okay, maybe I’m taking these metaphors too far. But a travel blogger who finds herself stationary in a near-lifeless desert and then gets stuck in her bedroom, thus reducing her world to a smaller sphere than her readers’, has to resort to colorful language. The good news behind all the flourish is that this cave […]

The End of the Doldrums in Sight
To me, people say they’re in the duldrums when they’re stuck in a sad state of inactivity. I prefer the more specific nautical reference, which is a location: “the belt around the Earth near the equator where sailing ships sometimes get stuck on windless waters” (NOAA). One of my favorite sets of books, Patrick O’Brian’s […]

Planning for Winter
There’s snow in the forecast for Grand Teton, so we’re leaving a day early, which suits us fine seeing as how the crowds have kept us from enjoying the park the way we’d hoped. Maybe if we were to stay through the snow the crowds would thin out, but then we’d have to endure the […]

Traveling during a Coronavirus Spike
We routinely check the New York Times virus statistics for each spot we plan to move to (although the best indicator seems to be ICU beds). Still, per-capital cases give us an idea of how rampant the virus is in the county where we’re headed and how careful we need to be. I’ve read (like […]

Where to Next?
Now that we’ve accomplished all we’ve been needing to get done in Texas since we first started out—HURRAH!—what’s next? Well, we have about a month before we need to be in Florida for our appointment at the Tampa Airstream dealer where we hope they’ll fix the awning. (More on our Florida plans, below). I’d been […]

Google Maps, Dumpsters, and Other Gripes
The park we’re staying in—for one night on our way through Iowa to Missouri—is beautiful, but we went on only one walk before a storm hit, and I left my phone in the trailer for it. The campground itself is horrendous: basically a gravel parking lot. So, no post for the mis-named Swan Lake State […]

Time to Migrate South
Lake Superior is so alive and accessible and multifaceted. The NorthWoods are lush and cool. The culture is a type of weird I’ve never encountered. But it was 47 degrees this morning when I walked Banjo, so it’s time to go! Apple, My Overlord I’ve spent several hours every day sucking up our precious cell […]

Fluid Travel Plans
We haven’t moved yet and already we’ve changed travel plans several times. I hear from folks on the road that you have to find your own comfortable balance between set reservations and winging it, so we’re busy working on that from a stationary point. 🙂 Destination: Ohio Seriously, what’s got us flipping around our most-recent […]

We’re Busting Out of This Joint
We have plans to get on the road! They’re not immediate, and when we do go we’ll maintain social distancing (heck, no social at all if we can manage it while the virus is still raging), but we are ready to go. A note about the stay-at-home plan: I know that traveling has risks, that […]

We Have Travel Plans!
A friend pointed out that one thing making this quarantine difficult is that she doesn’t have any plans for the near future. It’s disconcerting enough that time is out of whack, but having nothing concrete to look forward to makes this even stranger. Our spring travel plans had been based on our house sale—it’s under […]