We’re in the tiny town in Ohio where the one and only Airstream factory is located; truly, all Airstreams—for dealers across the country, for individuals and companies wanting custom trailers, for Europe, Australia, Japan—all Airstreams are made here at the Mothership. This is our third annual pilgrimage, partly because it happens to be on our […]

Canada Travel Day: Flat Tire, Bear Jam, Weirdest RV Parking Lot
Yesterday probably wasn’t the most eventful travel day we’ve had, but it ranks up there. Flat Tire Editor’s Note #1: I’m writing a blog post about a freaking boring flat tire because I have to admit: I’ve never changed one. My mom, I’m sure, had never changed one herself, and I was silly enough not […]

Our First Breakdown
I’m writing this relieved that we avoided being stranded on the side of the road—towing our home and everything we own—with citrus-filled trucks speeding just inches by us. That didn’t happen. But we haven’t resolved the situation yet, so I could be jinxing us by writing with too much enthusiasm at this juncture. I don’t […]