A Proper Update

I feel guilty that so many friends opened that last post looking for an update on my medical questions, only for me to say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” I really was overwhelmed with, shall we say, unproductive feelings. Even now as I try to draft a better response, I find myself rambling […]

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Guess What, Back to Houston

This is part of a personal/medical series (GDTRx), unrelated to travel. Just a quick update here. I didn’t get an appointment with the Mayo Clinic. I don’t know why I didn’t, because the denial code is in a letter that’s been mailed to our mailing service in Livingston, Texas. As in snail mailed. I won’t get that […]

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Where To Next?

We’re driving south today for the first time since we hit Florida in April and the second time since we left Texas this winter.  It’s like we’re sweeping up and down the eastern part of the country, which certainly was not the plan. We’re biding our time, basically, waiting for word from various doctors, to see […]

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A Change of Plans

I’ll cut to the chase: We’ve canceled our summer trip to Newfoundland, which is a really big deal for us. Weeks of planning, a lot of money in reservations, where we’re going to live for three months—all have been scrapped in one afternoon. It wasn’t an easy decision, and we took more than a week […]

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