Tell Me How I Surprise You

I just found this picture during my big family photo scanning project, and it’s prompted new thoughts about the book I’m planning. Paul and I are walking back from grad school graduation. Look how young and happy! I was extra relieved because this was on the heels of me almost flunking the oral defense of […]

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Four Years of GDTR

Today’s our four-year nomadiversary! Since the day we drove away from the house and never went back, we’ve stayed at more than 200 places and I’ve written almost 700 posts about them. Here are a handful of posts that are memorable to me, but, truthfully, the new random button on the homepage comes up with […]

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Coming Down from Alaska

I’m a real sap when it comes to that Kris Kristofferson song, “Sunday Morning Coming Down.” The chorus goes: On the Sunday morning sidewalk Wishing, Lord, that I was stoned. ‘Cause there’s something in a Sunday Makes a body feel alone. There ain’t nothing short of dying Half as lonesome as the sound On the […]

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Crafty Nomad (kind of)

It’s a chilly, rainy day in south Texas, so I’m looking around inside for something to do that’s moderately productive. This is where “craft” enters my vocabulary; in my before life I used that word only after “beer.” Another oddity: I have time on my hands but very little space. I can’t garden, or do […]

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2022 in Photos

January: Mars (Southwest Arizona) February: Southern Arizona March: Western Arizona April: Southern California May: California Coast June: Oregon, Washington Coast July: British Columbia, Alberta August: Winnipeg, Ontario, Minnesota September: The Midwest October: Tennessee November: Arkansas & Louisiana December: Louisiana & Texas

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