Our Sorry Travel Day

It finally happened: we had a no good rotten terrible travel day. Actually, the travel wasn’t that bad: we were on G in round two of our musical alphabet game so were listening to the Grateful Dead, and Tracy found a decent county park where we pulled in to eat lunch. It was the Airstream […]

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Tracy’s Margarita Recipe

If you want the recipe and no explanation, here goes: This post is for Jacqui in New Zealand, whose husband, Mat, is Tracy’s across-the-planet twin. Mat’s making margaritas these days, so Jacqui wants deets on Tracy’s recipe, for our husband-comparison amusement. Here you go, Jacqui! Let me know what ya think. What Happens When You […]

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Tragedy Narrowly Averted

That’s how Bobby Weir introduces a song during a Grateful Dead concert in 1980 that I’ve listened to a million times.  He says, “From a long line of tragedy songs, here’s a song about tragedy narrowly averted.”  The band launches directly into an old standard about a monkey who’s so confident from years of sitting […]

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Types of RVs

You all know I love this guy who makes a podcast for insomniacs, Sleep with Me. He basically just rambles on for an hour in a really boring way, but funny or weird (mostly both) enough to keep you from hating him, so you keep listening and then fall asleep. One of his formats (not […]

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