I’ve done so much work on this one since I last posted about it that I thought it deserves its own post. This way people who don’t give a darn can skip it easily, too. So this one has been the most challenging, and not because of all the fiddly work but because the instructions are, […]

Our Sorry Travel Day
It finally happened: we had a no good rotten terrible travel day. Actually, the travel wasn’t that bad: we were on G in round two of our musical alphabet game so were listening to the Grateful Dead, and Tracy found a decent county park where we pulled in to eat lunch. It was the Airstream […]

Family Therapy, Retail Therapy, Storms!
We came to this state park (Gold Head Branch) as our final stop in Florida to visit with Tracy’s sister; that’s pretty much how we began this five-month run in Florida back in November (pic from that wonderful visit, below). The Family Damned if Darci isn’t still working way too much, though, so today instead […]

Tracy’s Margarita Recipe
If you want the recipe and no explanation, here goes: This post is for Jacqui in New Zealand, whose husband, Mat, is Tracy’s across-the-planet twin. Mat’s making margaritas these days, so Jacqui wants deets on Tracy’s recipe, for our husband-comparison amusement. Here you go, Jacqui! Let me know what ya think. What Happens When You […]

Tracy and Shelly Go to a Boiled Peanuts Stand
Except, we haven’t gotten there yet! You guys know the classic stoner movie where Karl Penn and John Cho (Sulu!) get amazingly high and decide they want “something different” for their munchie food, which sets them on an epic journey to a White Castle restaurant. They end up going to jail, riding a cheetah, and […]

Google Maps, Dumpsters, and Other Gripes
The park we’re staying in—for one night on our way through Iowa to Missouri—is beautiful, but we went on only one walk before a storm hit, and I left my phone in the trailer for it. The campground itself is horrendous: basically a gravel parking lot. So, no post for the mis-named Swan Lake State […]

Deer Skull Boiling: We’re Not There Yet
We made it to Hancock, Michigan, which is right on the canal that sets apart the tip of the Upper Peninsula. According to signs, there’s a lot of these activities around here: Snowmobiling Drinking in roadside bars Hunting Selling handicrafts (these seem to be mostly wooden spoons) Living in giant, rundown frat houses (Michigan Tech). […]

Tragedy Narrowly Averted
That’s how Bobby Weir introduces a song during a Grateful Dead concert in 1980 that I’ve listened to a million times. He says, “From a long line of tragedy songs, here’s a song about tragedy narrowly averted.” The band launches directly into an old standard about a monkey who’s so confident from years of sitting […]

Types of RVs
You all know I love this guy who makes a podcast for insomniacs, Sleep with Me. He basically just rambles on for an hour in a really boring way, but funny or weird (mostly both) enough to keep you from hating him, so you keep listening and then fall asleep. One of his formats (not […]

Learning to Live in the Firefly during Downtime
Of course we’re not doing any of the things we’d planned on doing in Virginia for this stay: hanging out with friends and family, going to the kazillion breweries we like here, hearing local bands. We are, though, getting time to figure things out in the Airstream. Accomplishments Yesterday we: Opened the awning for the […]