I use this blog as a journal: to document where we go, scenes from there, how I feel about certain places, yadda yadda. And I often scroll through the archives to find stuff. I keep feeling like there’s so much content here that’s lost among the long chronology of my entries. So I’m beginning to […]

Pink Sofa Tiny House Finished!
We’re closer this week to Las Vegas in order to get civilized stuff done, but my impressions of the city haven’t formed well enough to post about it. So I’ll show off the pink tiny house in its entirety, woohoo! The Whole Shebang This one was, by far, my favorite to build. I’m getting the […]

Pink Sofa Tiny House: Bedroom, Bath, Lighting
As this comes together, I’m loving it more. Here’s a link to the another sections of this house I’ve finished previously. Bedroom I don’t know where people are supposed to store their clothes, but who the heck cares. By the way, all the wiring for the lights are hidden under the headboard. . Bathroom These […]

Death by Paper Cuts?
That’s an exaggeration—in both directions. We’re still loving this lifestyle (so, far from death), but we’ve faced more than just paper cuts lately. An older guy dumping his trailer tanks at the truck stop next to us was just hopping to tell me that he’s sold his house and bought this RV and is going to […]

Tiny House Kitchen
So, the Pink Sofa Tiny House turns out to have a green velvet sofa as part of the kitchen. Very strange. The cooking section of the kitchen is cool though. Those milk cartoons were a pain to fold, but I like how they look. I got the faucet right, too. You can’t tell from the angle, but that […]

Doing It All in the Tetons
We had a super efficient travel day when we left Yellowstone! We pulled out of that quiet campground at the crack of dawn, drove through the park on it narrow and winding road (amazingly, towing the trailer), used the dump station and potable water at a campground in the park, and then drove straight to […]

Yellowstone Primer (plus a new tiny house)
If you’re like I was, completely ignorant of what’s special about Yellowstone, I’ll give you a layman’s quickie description. Long ago, a giant volcano left still-hot magma under the surface here. Pockets of heated gases and brine have formed right under the top layer of earth due to <insert geological stuff I don’t understand, plus […]

Let Me Know What You Think!
Hey guys, I’ve been writing this blog for more than a year and a half, amazingly. And although I write it for myself, I’m curious how you read it and what changes you might like to see. Your name won’t be associated with your answers, but you’re welcome to elaborate in the comments. Thanks! Thanks […]

Waterwheel Tiny House Finished!
I made lots of errors on this one, but it’s the most visually interesting one I’ve made, despite that. I took on the wiring job myself this time, and voila! All the lights work but one. (There’s always one!) And I don’t mean to disparage Tracy’s skills as an electrician; he did completely retire our […]

Waterwheel Tiny House Update
I’ve done so much work on this one since I last posted about it that I thought it deserves its own post. This way people who don’t give a darn can skip it easily, too. So this one has been the most challenging, and not because of all the fiddly work but because the instructions are, […]