Oh, this Tiny House confounded me! From the breakable thin pieces of wood to the cloth that wouldn’t cut straight to the anachronistic Victrola next to the TV set, it was a tough one to figure out. I Make Everything, Kind of Before I get to the difficult items and the cool stuff, here’s a […]

When You’ve Done So Much You Forget It All
That image up top is from three years ago today, the first night we slept in our new home. Okay, it was in the dealer parking lot in New Jersey and our next-day destination was a storage lot in Maryland, but still. That feels like a lifetime ago. When someone asks me about a particular […]

2022 in Photos
January: Mars (Southwest Arizona) February: Southern Arizona March: Western Arizona April: Southern California May: California Coast June: Oregon, Washington Coast July: British Columbia, Alberta August: Winnipeg, Ontario, Minnesota September: The Midwest October: Tennessee November: Arkansas & Louisiana December: Louisiana & Texas

Tiny Fruit Stand
I hate to bring up a failed Tiny House (especially in the wake of the successful and popular Sectional Sofa Tiny House), but damned if this kit isn’t made by the same manufacturer as that weird Light Music Bar Tiny House I made last. I bought both kits at the same time, not knowing that […]

Best of 2022 Here at GDTR
This year we traveled more, we saw more, and I posted more, so this post is long! Even I was worn out by the time I finished putting it together. So, find a comfy chair, scroll through, and click on what seems interesting. (If you want a really quick version, hit up this photo-only recap.) […]

The Sazerac House
I’m writing this whole long post about just a couple of hours we spent touring a liquor museum because: Okay, Sazerac is a New Orleans company, and its main product is a rye whisky that’s one of the oldest products of Nola. Sazerac’s history is wrapped up in the history of Nola as a city—through […]

Light Music Bar Tiny House (what?)
Finally, I can say that I truly hated making this Tiny House. I bought the kit because I was excited to have found a bar (the kind you drink in) as a Tiny House, but then I found the incomparable Green’s Bar for Doug, and I stashed this kit, in its box, for emergency use […]

Sectional Sofa Tiny House
Here’s a new reason for my latest tiny house to be my favorite: I was able to give it to the enthusiastic state park visitor’s center rep who helped me when we picked our campsite and planned our forays into Memphis. Margaret was actually in the campground one morning (she had rented an RV and […]

Tiny Sushi Restaurant
I was especially looking forward to making this Tiny House, but, like several recently, it disappointed me through the process. Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s lovely! But, I was savoring the idea of making each piece of sushi for each little plate, and it turned out that the directions were very hard to […]

Doug’s Tiny Pub
I mentioned with the last Tiny House post that, as we approached Madison, Wisconsin, I reached out to friends to see if anyone wanted a Tiny House. First, Patti said, “Yes, please!” so we picked one out and got all excited, and then Doug said, ”Yes, please,” and I hemmed and hawed. The one he […]