Coming Down from Alaska

I’m a real sap when it comes to that Kris Kristofferson song, “Sunday Morning Coming Down.” The chorus goes: On the Sunday morning sidewalk Wishing, Lord, that I was stoned. ‘Cause there’s something in a Sunday Makes a body feel alone. There ain’t nothing short of dying Half as lonesome as the sound On the […]

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Stories in Books Tiny House

That’s the name of this kit—Stories in Books—and it’s designed to look like a hardback book, with a tiny scene inside instead of pages.  It’s a lovely idea: a story in a book, told with a scene instead of words.  The Story Imagine that a small mountain village has grown up on both sides of a […]

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Tiny Prairie House

It’s been quite a while since I finished a Tiny House, and this one was a doozie to get back in the game with, let me tell ya. For one thing, I’ve wanted to buy this kit for years—especially when my Wisconsin friend Doug picked it out when I asked if I could make him […]

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Crafty Nomad (kind of)

It’s a chilly, rainy day in south Texas, so I’m looking around inside for something to do that’s moderately productive. This is where “craft” enters my vocabulary; in my before life I used that word only after “beer.” Another oddity: I have time on my hands but very little space. I can’t garden, or do […]

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