It’s a chilly, rainy day in south Texas, so I’m looking around inside for something to do that’s moderately productive. This is where “craft” enters my vocabulary; in my before life I used that word only after “beer.” Another oddity: I have time on my hands but very little space. I can’t garden, or do […]

How I Made an Anti-Campfire Album by Mistake
We’re at Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park campground in British Columbia, and I have just enough signal to upload text but not images. So, perfect time for this text-only entry! This also happens to be an “ah-ha” moment for me with that Campfire album I linked to in a previous post (you’ll have to search […]

My Soundtrack Album: Campfire
I’ve made an album! Well, it’s not a serious one, the kind you put on the living room sound system and sit back and think about. It’s more like a soundtrack to our adventures during our first two years on the road. I recorded each song—as a voice memo on my iPhone—at a different campsite […]

Spend a Day with Me at Blue Spring
Hey, wanna explore with me today? Come on … Let’s Beat the Crowds to the Manatees Let’s get up and ride our bikes down to the spring early before the park opens. I hear that later in the mornings the manatees are in the river eating, but early they’re still keeping warm up in the […]

Misfortune in Dark Holler
What happened a couple of days ago to our neighbors is the RVer’s worst nightmare. They’re (or I should say were) in the big Class A motorhome parked right beside us, and they’re a big family from Michigan: three generations staying in two adjacent RVs for the full winter season, and they’ve done so for […]

A Day of Firsts: Swimming in My Clothes and Walking into a Jam Session
My first first today was something other than these. This morning I was standing where I always stand to get two bars of reception on my phone—near the pickle ball courts (I still don’t know what that is)—talking with my friend Lucy. I was also watching a small group of women learn how to line […]