Today’s our final day at Lake Ray Roberts, north of Dallas/Ft Worth. We’ve spent a whopping ten days here, same site as every year, so we can visit Karen on our way to a week of annual “life garbage” (thanks, Melanie) near Houston. Man have I enjoyed these sunsets over the lake; we’ve watched them […]

The Absolute Freaking Weirdness of this Lifestyle
This hometown week on the Friends and Family Tour ‘24 has been a honking-big, tangled-up knot of red-hot emotions. It’s not just been about seeing people I haven’t seen in years. It’s been about being struck by aging (and in a flash of recognition that really should be hidden). It’s been about cramming what we’ve […]

Some Who Wander Are Lost Part 3: Insomnia
This is a personal series about how I’m particularly unsuited to travel (but do it anyway). Part 1 is about being lost in all manner of ways and part 2 is about my hatred for our trailer hitch. Exciting stuff! Full disclosure: I slept for six hours last night and the night before. This is […]

Some Who Wander Are Lost Part 2: The Hitch
This entry is part 2 in a new personal series about my life on the road; part 1 is here. Ta da! Above is the decided title for this blog series, and, heck with the fact that only one segment in it is about being lost. This title is more succinct than that long-winded one […]

How I’m Particularly Unsuited to RV Life (And Why I Choose It Anyway)
Announcement! I’m starting a new blog series with this entry. It began not as a series but as just one post about what it’s like to manage your mental health while “living the dream” (aka living on the road). I got to thinking about this when brainstorming with Shana and Marcus about their new YouTube […]

Why Do People Camp Like This?
Shana and I have a little thing going where we complain to each other about other people in our campgrounds. Because, as Julia Louis-Dreyfus says, it’s not whining—it’s telling the truth. Yesterday, Shana sends me a text describing something especially odd in her campground in California. A large group of women dressed up in white […]

What Condition My Condition Is In
Today’s a full-on rainy, cold day on the southern coast of Oregon; we’ve been stuck inside for the good part of three days. I’ve finished my tiny house; ukulele seems like too much effort (lol, imagine that!); and our cell signal is slow and weak. So, it’s a good time to fill you in on the […]

Am I on Vacation?
If you’re lucky enough to have been able to take a vacation, you know that the whole point is to be away from regular life. You want to be physically away, in a new place, where you can forget about your usual worries, where you get out of your routine, where normal life is suspended. If you’re lucky […]

Beauty and the Stress
My friend Whit shared a NYT article with me yesterday about the contrast between the shiny social media portrayal of #VanLife and the sometimes-miserable day-to-day reality of constant life and travel in such a small space. You guys know this is a multi-layered theme for me here. It’s easy to make fun of the trendy […]

We Are All Caricatures of Ourselves
When we were in Texas, I mentioned this quote (by my sister’s friend), referring to Texans. The sentence in full—that I love so much—goes, “Texans are caricatures of themselves and they don’t even know it.” It turns out you can find people and places that exemplify caricatures all over the country. Texas is just an […]