Oh man, I had what I thought was a funny title for this post—and that’s what it got published with—but now I’m thinking it’s a lot less funny and a lot more weird. It’s hard to joke about plumbing, either in the trailer or in the person, and I was aiming at both! Whatever, it’s […]

I Drove All the Way Here for This!
That’s what I told the endocrinologist yesterday when he said, “We’ll run a few tests the next time you’re in the area.” Dude! Dude. My husband and I cancelled all our summer plans and rearranged our lives to come here for this. For you! To Houston in the summer! Can’t you do them sooner?” To […]

Feeling the Strain of Scheduling in Pisgah
An unusually smart and energetic Weimaraner named Pisgah was my neighbor when I lived in Atlanta. Among many tricks, he would do that one where you make the dog wait with a bone on their nose until you say Go, and then they flip it up and catch it and chow down. Pisgah had much […]

Emergency Trifecta in the Can
There’s no new emergency, no worries there. I’m thinking about our three simultaneous emergencies that hit in early December: trailer floor replacement, knee surgery, and mystery endocrine ailment. One is completely solved, the other two I’m wrestling with still, but I have both down for the count. As I reported last week, the trailer has […]

Quickie Health Update
I just now realized that my weekly email goes out in five minutes, and my previous health update is long and rambling and circuitous. Maybe not a great idea to write a blog post right after surgery! Here’s a faster read. Surgery went well, 8-hr trip back to the trailer in Brownsville was bearable, recovery […]

Nomad Trickery-Surgery
We’re home from a successful knee surgery, and I’m doing well! I’m grateful that so much I worried about is finally behind me. A friend suggested I write about what it’s like to deal with major medical issues from the road, which I have in past posts, but here goes a tad more, plus updated […]

The Long Road to Surgery
That photo up top is not meant to be deceptive, but the truth is I can’t get in the hot tub anymore. The heat increases my knee’s swelling (duh) and makes me miserable! So, think of that photo as a eulogy to the Tropical Trails RV Resort hot tub. Yes, poor, poor me, unable to […]

Contentment Feels Like Bliss
In the middle of a bunch of craziness, I had one of those unusual moments of awareness. It was in the morning, and I was sitting beside my son on the sofa in the trailer. We were both worn out after having gotten in from the airport at 3 a.m. We were both wearing the […]

Bad Tent News and Good Knee News
I have bad news for everyone who’s ever hung out with us since we’ve been on the road: we lost the tent. Not like we can’t find it, but it’s kaput. Winds really did gust at 53 mph here, and they broke a strut that then tore a hole, and yadda yadda irreparable damage was […]

The Knee Goes to Houston
After a long three weeks of fighting the usual healthcare rigamarole (plus a little malicious negligence that added a fourth), I have a plan for the knee. It’s a lot messier than this weirdness I just put together, but here it is in a nutshell. It demonstrates decently how life on the road can be […]