We wanted a longer break from civilization, and we got one, involuntarily. But still welcome! Moose Lake is in northern Wisconsin, actually in the same National Forest camping area we stayed in last year at Black Lake. They’re both small, no hook-ups camping loops on lakes dyed with tannin from the surrounding deep forest. Which is wonderful. […]

Rhymes with Phenomenon
We finally entered the UP of Michigan via the exciting route (last year we came up through Wisconsin, which is beautiful but not as dramatic), crossing the Mackinac Bridge that spans Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. Our campsite is at the Tahquamenon Falls State Park, this time in the rustic campground (no hook-ups and no […]

Introducing Sookie the Barbie Kayak
I don’t know where to start with this one. Do I start with my first kayak, which I impulsively bought on the side of the road and shoved into my Prius C, then paddled the Potomac, the Shenandoah, Lake Anna, the Chesapeake Bay, Chincoteague Bay; knitted in, read books in, towed my niece behind; loved […]

Friends & Family Tour: Full Steam Ahead
PRECIOUS RAMOTSWE, creator and owner of the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, friend of those who needed help with the problems in their lives, and wife of that great garagiste Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni, felt that there were, broadly speaking, two sorts of days. There were days on which nothing of any consequence took place—these were […]

The Quiet, Forested Campgrounds of the South
Today’s our final day at this state recreational area near Raleigh, North Carolina, and it marks the end of a string of really lovely campgrounds we’ve visited in the south. When we left Florida, we moved up through Georgia, then across South Carolina, and now up through North Carolina, and every single campground has been […]

Following the Pollen Trail
After a week at the beach with friends, we continued our route north, this time northwest into central North Carolina, to a little state park campground in the woods, with hiking trails and plenty of springtime all around us. It’s been wild to follow spring unfolding as we head north—our first change in the seasons […]

When Your Friends Are Squatters (Guest Post)
By Heather (aka Raindrop) You know that feeling that invades when you haven’t seen someone in a long time? The one that sits squarely in your gut, reminding you things might not be the same as they were the last time you spent hours on end with this person. I had that feeling before Tracy and Shelly parked […]

The Luxuries of Moochdocking
In case this post title makes no sense, let me start with the root word, “boondocking.” That’s when you park your trailer/RV/van/whatever, not in a campground, but out where you have no hookups (water, sewer, electricity). You’ve docked in the boonies. Moochdocking is when you mooch off of friends by parking in their driveway and […]

Convalescence Campground
That’s how I’ll always think of this wooded equestrian campground in central South Carolina. Tracy and I received our second doses of the Pfizer vaccine at the same time, and he (thank goodness) had no reactions. I was laid flat for a day and a half, which about drove me crazy. I mean, I knew […]

2 States, 2 Doses!
I’m writing this post a few hours before we get in the truck to drive an hour across South Carolina for our appointments for dose #2 for each of us, but I’m betting the name of this entry that there won’t be a problem getting that second dose. CVS let us through the system in […]