I just can’t get enough of it. I would have spent more time on the water this evening had I realized when I got in the boat wearing my rainboots that eventually they wouldn’t really fit in there. Rainboots plus workout pants. My evening sky-appreciation attire.
Key Is Entering the Water Lilies Slowly
I finally found my groove in my new kayak (and with myself), at least for this lake. I slowed all the way to a meander as Tracy paddled away at his own rate. As long as I’m not trying to keep up or catch up, I seem to be okay. It’s the fast paddling that […]
Five Days by Black Lake
If you’ve been following along with me, you may remember my huge relief at spending five days in Savage River State Forest in Maryland, where we had no electricity and no cell service for a glorious five days. That was extra peaceful and quiet because we’d been camped at Small Country in Virginia for two […]
Kayaking the Great Ruth Ann
Finally, we went kayaking. Frankly it was a bit of a disappointment! A Little Backstory You guys know that Tracy is a serious kayaker. He used to take a solo trip for a month each year down a different stretch of the Mississippi, with all his gear stowed in the tiny boat compartments, camping on […]