In case this post title makes no sense, let me start with the root word, “boondocking.” That’s when you park your trailer/RV/van/whatever, not in a campground, but out where you have no hookups (water, sewer, electricity). You’ve docked in the boonies. Moochdocking is when you mooch off of friends by parking in their driveway and […]
What Is This?
This, my friends, is an empty beach. It’s the beach at the entrance to Sebastian Inlet State Park. This is my view of the beach when I look south. See anybody? No! This also is a beach, albeit a very small one. It’s one of several at the boat-launch end of the state park. This […]
A Few Perfect Moments
I’ve been sad lately, thinking about a friend who’s been unexpectedly diagnosed with stage IV cancer. The fact that I can’t get on a plane or zip up in my car to see her is also like a gong echoing a reminder that I haven’t seen my son since May. Our one-year anniversary of living […]
Crazy for Rays (and more water photos)
Because we’ve been in the Keys for so long and have everything we own unpacked and strewn around our campsite, we have much to do to prep for leaving in three days. Tracy called yesterday his last day kayaking, but I can’t quit my hunt for rays. Here we were yesterday afternoon kayaking over to […]
Bahia Honda and Airstreamers
I have a half hour to put this post together in the free time I have before Friday morning’s email goes out. Wait, you heard that right: I don’t have much free time because … [drumroll] … we’re walking over to have happy hour with two Airstream couples in a bit. In real life! People! […]
Getting in the Groove at the Keys Just as We Prep to Leave
We have one last week here of our six-week stay, and I’m realizing how much I’m going to miss this place. Yes, it’s crowded with tourists, and the new highly-contagious variant of the virus is here more than most anywhere in the U.S. So it’s definitely time for us to move on. But look at […]
I Blew out My Flip-Flop, Stepped on an Iguana …
In case this song isn’t stuck in your head yet, the lyrics go, I blew out my flip-flop Stepped on a pop top Cut my heel, had to cruise on back home. You guys remember pop tops, right? The Beautiful Nuisance of Iguanas I apparently don’t need them to mess up my feet. First I […]
A Low-tide Walk
Yesterday the tide was so low around the lagoon-end of the key that, instead of kayaking, we decided to just walk around in the water and see what was afoot. These pictures are lame because a) my camera was in a plastic bag so I wouldn’t drop it in the salt water, b) it takes […]
All the Greens (and So Many Blues)
We’re at about the midpoint in our six weeks in the Keys. I’m getting a feel for what this place is like compared to my expectations and what we can and can’t do. Mostly I’m working on enjoying what I can do. We made these reservations back in April when we were stuck at our […]
Banjo, Don’t Step on That!
I’ve written here earlier that we’re on a small key that’s been developed almost entirely into our RV park. Our trailer is about where the circle is. There’s a bit of wild land on the other side of the highway that we can walk to under the bridge (see my clever hand-drawn arrow). It’s weird […]