We are steadfast boondocking enthusiasts, but on occasion we find ourselves enjoying time in oddly amazing (campground) situations. We decided to give the fairgrounds in Del Mar, CA, a try. Known as the place where the surf meets the turf, it played host to the world-famous Sea Biscuit back when he began his historic run […]
Shana & Marcus at Pacific Beach
Note from Shelly: Here’s the second in a series of guest posts written by friends we’ve met on the road. We’ve had the pleasure of hanging out with Shana and Marcus several places in Southern California; I wrote previously about our afternoon on Pacific Beach with them, and here’s their fun review of their longer […]
Doug & Melanie in Red Rock Canyon, NV
Note from Shelly: Here’s the first in a series of guest posts written by friends we’ve met on the road. Doug is a fellow traveler who sends email updates home in quick-like fashion because he so often has little-to-no cell service; he and Melanie like to hike in remote places. He has generously allowed me […]
Introducing GDTR Guest Writers
New voices have joined me here! Here are regular posts by sets of friends we’ve made on the road, friends who RV full-time or mostly fulltime or who help us RV. Click on their names for their posts, or click here for all guest posts: Guest Posts Here are a few: And here are our […]
A Fascinating Man and His Unusual Van
I met Tyll when I first arrived at the Imperial Dam LTVA. I was wandering around on my bike and heard someone playing jazz on a ukulele, so I stopped to listen. Seriously. I’m so glad I said hi: Tyll is one of the most interesting people I’ve met in a good long while, and he […]
“If We Haven’t Seen It, We Want To” (Guest Post)
Hello everyone, We are Doug and Melanie, two retirees (ages 69 and 62, respectively) who left Cleveland, OH in July to spend one year traveling in our Airstream. We are best friends who love travel, adventure and nature. We were very lucky to meet Shelly and Tracy while boondocking in Anza Borrego and then to […]
When Your Friends Are Squatters (Guest Post)
By Heather (aka Raindrop) You know that feeling that invades when you haven’t seen someone in a long time? The one that sits squarely in your gut, reminding you things might not be the same as they were the last time you spent hours on end with this person. I had that feeling before Tracy and Shelly parked […]