In Finn’s Town

I’m in East Lansing, Michigan, on our annual fall trip to hang out with Finn during whatever free time he has. Which is tricky, because he has no free time; he’s extra busy prepping for two presentations he’s making later this month at two physics conferences. I have been able to meet him for lunch […]

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Where To Next?

We’re driving south today for the first time since we hit Florida in April and the second time since we left Texas this winter.  It’s like we’re sweeping up and down the eastern part of the country, which certainly was not the plan. We’re biding our time, basically, waiting for word from various doctors, to see […]

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Facing Our Big Fear

I never know how to talk about Covid without sounding like a bore. So I’ll cut to the chase: we’re both sick. Not sick like in the hospital, but sick like in bed for days. Heck, we’re still in bed. It took a Herculean effort to just get here, though. Sick Travel Day Having to […]

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Visiting Pretty Things

My frequency of posting got derailed by several busy days visiting with my friend, Heather, in Lynchburg, Virginia, and then getting sick. Until I can do a better job blogging, here are shots of Heather’s house. Which, you might be thinking, bor-ring, but believe me, nothing about this place is. It’s an historic home, with […]

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