I’ve been pretty much obsessed with decorating ever since we bought this trailer. It’s designed well but without any rich color or style, just as you’d prep a house to sell. Neutral. Of course I want to make this feel like home right from the start. We won’t be spending 24/7 inside (far from it), […]

Creating Storage inside the Airstream
Each day we’re making trips to the Airstream, trying to build, buy, and rig storage devices so we can add organization to the oddly shaped cabinets. Tracy is inventive, but there’s only so much he can get done when he has to haul the exact right tools for each project to the storage lot and […]

Small-space Planning
We’ve got a to-do list as long as my arm (really, both arms) of crucial stuff we need to take care of before we can leave, but I keep getting distracted by the inside of the Airstream. I’m thinking big-time organization and decorating. And clearly, from the image above, I’m no great interior designer. But […]