Last year at Christmas we were at the lovely Bonita Springs RV Resort near Naples, where the manatees moseyed up the river by our campsite and we enjoyed the community atmosphere of that friendly age 55+ “snowbird” resort. Too bad it was listed as the top place to spend winter in our fulltime RV newsletter—the […]

Inventory Swap for Post-vaccine Life
I know I’ve mentioned this a thousand times, but when we packed up the trailer and took off on March 20, 2020, we had no idea what the world would look like in a few weeks or months—let alone a year. This old tune probably sounds tedious to you because you were in the same […]

Insomnia in a Small Space Update
(Not Really; Just More of the Same) Back in April I wrote here about how I try to deal with my chronic insomnia in the Airstream. Thank you, insomnia (not)—here is a seven-month update to being awake in a tiny space when everyone else is asleep. Banjo Hates Me Back then, Banjo used to sleep […]

Seven Months: What I’ve Learned about Living in a Small Space
Yep, we’ve been in the Airstream for seven months now. We’ve been stuck in one campground for two of those, and for the rest we’ve traveled up and down the Midwest. I’ve learned so much about how to enjoy daily life outside, how to help hitch the trailer more efficiently, how to dump tanks, all kinds […]

Recent Photos
Finally, we had a couple of sunny, warm days, and living in the Airstream felt like I had imagined. Front Porch Kayaking Morning Walk Tracy’s New Camera Lens Inside (on less-than-perfect-weather days) You guys, please keep staying safe.

Interior Improvements, Cont’d
Yeah, that photo above has nothing to do with this post. But I’m tired of thinking about inside, probably like most of you. I know that those of us stuck at home are lucky to have a home to be stuck in, and some of us are fortunate to be working from home and not […]

Insomnia in a Small Space
Editor’s note: This is a real-time post, so to speak, so all photos were taken in the dark with low lighting. That’s my excuse, anyway. You guys know I am a terrible sleeper and always have been. Back when I lived in a house (oh, way back before retirement and the coronavirus and life in […]

Favorite Doodads in the Trailer, Cont’d
This post is brought to you by a rainy day in quarantine. I’ve mentioned earlier that Airstreams are beautiful inside and out, but when they’re new they’re like model homes: decorated blandly. (Well, all but the Tommy Bahama models, which I would go bezerkers living in full-time but would love for a weekend getaways. They […]

Ways the Airstream Fits Me
Of course the Airstream fits me and I love it here—because the people I love are here with me. My specific point, though (I started with the above so I could use that awesome photo at the top), has to do with the fact that I’m very short—4′ 11″. And you know I do complain […]

We’re Going to Be Here for a While
Well, Virginia State Parks have closed their campgrounds, and this is the trend for sure across the nation. It makes sense for people who are vacationing, but there are a lot of full-time RVers (like us now) who need a place to ride out this first big wave of the virus. Luckily this campground we’re […]