This is a superfluous post. If you’re here for an update on our breakdown status, we made it safely back to the RV park our friends are in by using the interim hitch, and we’ll stay here while Tracy rebuilds our good hitch. Meanwhile, I think of tea. It’s not my fault that I have […]

For Us Winter Texans
I was reading about the first act at an outdoor music venue we go to sometimes down here in Brownsville, and the post said the artist would be on from 6-8 pm, “for you Winter Texans.” Aka, old people who like to go to bed early. I’m in! So, we stood in the chilly evening […]

The Surprise of Right Angles
I’m typing this in Finn’s vacation condo on South Padre Island. If you need to catch up here: My son Finn rented a couple of condos back to back for his big break from school, both on the island near where I’m spending the winter in Brownsville, Texas. The first one had only one bedroom, […]

Airstreams Are Not Crutch-Compatible
I’ve been using crutches for less than a week now, so I hardly have room to complain. I’d like to; I surely feel like complaining. But seeing as how so many people I know have endured knee injuries, the only legit angle I have for whining is the pain in the ass that is living in […]

The $1k Shower Door
I remember clearly the travel day last fall when we stopped at a strip mall so I could get more Tiny House glue at a Michael’s. We ate lunch in the trailer while we were parked, so I quickly threw the glue in the shower because that’s where my Tiny House bin lives. The Oversight […]

Crafty Nomad (kind of)
It’s a chilly, rainy day in south Texas, so I’m looking around inside for something to do that’s moderately productive. This is where “craft” enters my vocabulary; in my before life I used that word only after “beer.” Another oddity: I have time on my hands but very little space. I can’t garden, or do […]

How to Juggle Mattresses
We’ve been sleeping on the mattress Airstream provides for almost three years now, which, in RV-mattress years, has to be waaaay too long. (The average person with an RV spends 35 days per year in theirs, and Finn tells me that means we’ve spent 30 years in ours in a direct comparison.) My point is: […]

The Red Light Game
I think we all used to play a game when we were kids where the leader kid yelled out, “Green light!” and we all ran full-on until that kid yelled, “Red light!” when we skidded to a stop. It’s basically what Tracy and I’ve been doing the past year, either moving or stopping or starting. […]

Water Conservation While Boondocking
We may get rain today in the Sonoran Desert just south of Ajo, AZ, and if it’s more than just a drizzle, it’ll be the first rain we’ve ever seen in the desert, and I’m pretty stoked. The washes (dry “river” beds) might fill with running water, and we might see blooms on cacti and ocotillo […]

Isolating in 60 Square Feet
No one wants to hear details about someone being sick (eww), but you may be interested in how Tracy and I are trying to isolate from each other in the 200-sq-ft trailer, as I’ve caught the Omicron virus and, so far, Tracy’s not showing any symptoms and certainly doesn’t want to catch it from me. […]