We are one night away from having completed this mega-crazy task of 1) getting the Airstream to Ohio in the winter, 2) emptying most of our stuff into a storage unit, and 3) readying the trailer for serious work by the service center. That was all enough to land us a top score in RVing […]

Back to the Mothership, Again
We are once more in Ohio at the Airstream factory and service center for repairs. Yep. We’re here for the fourth or fifth time, not because we keep breaking things (well, there’s that, too), but because this is the only factory and national service center, which means the mechanics here are excellent. And when they […]

A Dog Named Spoons, and Other Alaska Myths
I may not have any signal before my weekly email goes out, so I’m throwing up these photos and a few FAQ about our camping the last few weeks in central/southeastern Alaska. Friends ask me questions that make me realize I’ve neglected giving even the basics about where we are and how we’re living. Boondocking […]

Canada Travel Day: Flat Tire, Bear Jam, Weirdest RV Parking Lot
Yesterday probably wasn’t the most eventful travel day we’ve had, but it ranks up there. Flat Tire Editor’s Note #1: I’m writing a blog post about a freaking boring flat tire because I have to admit: I’ve never changed one. My mom, I’m sure, had never changed one herself, and I was silly enough not […]