By Heather (aka Raindrop) You know that feeling that invades when you haven’t seen someone in a long time? The one that sits squarely in your gut, reminding you things might not be the same as they were the last time you spent hours on end with this person. I had that feeling before Tracy and Shelly parked […]

The Luxuries of Moochdocking
In case this post title makes no sense, let me start with the root word, “boondocking.” That’s when you park your trailer/RV/van/whatever, not in a campground, but out where you have no hookups (water, sewer, electricity). You’ve docked in the boonies. Moochdocking is when you mooch off of friends by parking in their driveway and […]

The Story of Bohawg and Raindrop
Once upon a time, there were two very good friends, and their names were Bohawg and Raindrop. Never mind that both friends were smart and lovely; one accepted the nickname of Bohawg long ago, and that was that. She had happened to be the one sitting next to graffiti that spelled out “Bohawg” on the […]

To Stream or Not to Stream
Here’s another technology post about a topic about which I’m in over my head, but here goes anyway. It’s part of full-time RV living that may seem strange to the uninitiated. We camp to get away from the world, right? So why do we work so hard—buying gadgets and tracking data use—to stay connected? I’m […]

Goodbye Perch Lake + Planning
We’re leaving this gorgeous lake today and headed for our final northern camping spot in Hancock, MI, before big plans. Here are a few final photos. Banjo’s Morning Repose One cold morning she dug this hole to hunker down and wait for the sun to reflect off the lake. Finally, sunshine. I think she’s part […]

Watching the Ducks Go By
That’s about as exciting as this campground gets. Of course Banjo’s all over that. These ducks are used to being fed by campers so they creep up to our lawn chairs as we’re having coffee and tea, and then, explosion! when they flutter away from Banjo. Her favorite morning activity, no matter where we are, […]

Why I Do This
This is where we live this week. It’s just a site by a lake, in the woods, on the upper peninsula of Michigan. Nothing exotic: it’s not the Keys or the Utah Arches, just a lake. But reflecting on this spot this morning once again confirmed why I’m living this challenging lifestyle. Travel days are […]

A Couple-hour Vacation
Here’s how I enjoyed this campground the most: by packing as if for the beach and driving through the campground—a full five minutes—to a pull-off by the lake, then setting up for just a few hours. Like a mini vacation inside a vacation. I floated in slow circles on the blue water and watched a […]

Downtime in the Woods
I’ve described the campground where we decided not to stay and even the one we stayed at last, again, but I haven’t said much about this campground, and we’ve been here for five days. It’s peaceful here, so there’s not a lot to shout about. Biking Back Roads All the land around this lake is […]

I Need a Pith Helmet
Instead of this floppy gardening hat I bought back in Bethesda at the overpriced hardware store. I’m not sure what a pith helmet is exactly, but if it’s rigid and has bug netting, I’ll take it in trade. Seems like the hat you want for adventures. First Adventure: Finding a Place to Live We’d kind […]