We’ve been enjoying our trip north from Edmonton so much that our progress to Alaska has been sloooow. Doug and Melanie are ahead of us such that we missed our first scheduled rendezvous-vous, and we might miss the second! What have we been up to? Bird Capitol of Alberta We spent a mere single delightful […]

Leaving the Bath at Sleeping Buffalo
I feel silly posting again from Nelson Reservoir in northern Montana, because we were there for only a few days and we’re headed into Canada where I’ll have tons of photos I’ll want to save here. Still, what a beautiful spot we were in. Banjo got to be outside all day long every day, lying […]

Nature Bathing at Sleeping Buffalo
We’re in northern Montana, having driven the Hi-Line (US Highway 2) west from Ironwood, Wisconsin, through Minnesota and North Dakota, until we hit this water reclamation area near the tiny town of Sleeping Buffalo. Man did Tracy’s boondocking skills pay off here. We all three sighed in relief when we drove down the dirt road […]

Update on that Wind and Water Business
This is the screenshot I sent Melanie and Doug last night while Tracy and I were driving east through the top of Missouri. I thought we were headed to that red star just out of the severe weather zones, but I wasn’t quite sure. You see, Tracy was blaring The Von Bondie on the truck […]

Lazy Beach Bums
I feel like I should post this last time about camping on the beach near Galveston, but I haven’t done anything worth posting about. I hardly have photos. No stories. No local dialogue. The laziness upon us is like a drug. We don’t have to pack a bag for the beach; we just step outside. […]

Beach Camping!
I’ve been watching this style of iconic video for so long, and finally I get to make my version. Okay, so my beach isn’t pristine (and neither is the interior of the trailer), but … we’re BEACH CAMPING! Finally. For ages I’ve seen RVers post about camping right on the beach, and we’ve driven by […]

Regrouping, from the Heart of the North Saddle Club
I hate to say where we are: it’s a secret, wonderful, not-even-online camping spot, and I don’t want anyone to know about it. I will tell you, though, of course. But, first, I want to catch up since I last posted a week ago. Lovely North Shore, Minnesota Last chapter, Dear Readers (I crack myself […]

In Search of the Bloom
For a week, we’re boondocking on BLM land at the Carrizo Plain National Monument, the largest native grassland in California. Before I get to why we’re here, I’ll give you a rundown of how we got here, because my friend Susan told me that people don’t understand that this, too, is part of our lifestyle. […]

Banjo Visits Mars, Again
Our long-planned spring trip up the Pacific Coast begins with reservations in San Diego soon (but not yet), so we needed a stop west on the way there. Why not revisit Mars (aka Imperial Dam LTVA)? Our seasonal pass is still valid, and we can get mail and packages here, plus a handful of other […]

Tamarind Sour, Gliders, Goodbye Tucson
It’s our last evening right outside the Ironwood National Monument Lands (northwest of Tucson), and I’m feeling the Sunday blues just as if I had to go to work tomorrow instead of picking up and moving on to the next interesting place. It’s true the desert here is flat and mostly creosote bushes, but I’ve […]