Banjo Special Edition II

(This edition is brought to you by our new weekend neighbors who come out to the middle of the north woods, where people seek the delicate sounds of nature, and run their generator for six hours at a time. Hence me sitting inside on a lovely evening.) It’s time for another focus on our rootin’ […]

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Great Campsite, Too Little Time

We had only three days at Perrot State Park in Wisconsin, right across the Mississippi from Michigan, near La Crosse. I’ve mentioned this before but it’s increasingly relevant: more people than ever are in RVs camping. Other full-timers tell us they never had to bother with campground reservations until this year, and now they’re having […]

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Banjo’s Story

Chapter 1: My Puppy Days I grew up on a farm in southwest Virginia, about a day’s trot through the woods from where I am now. My sister and I used to roam the farm, and we’d have a hoot chasing all the livestock—which we got yelled at about a lot. I loved it though. […]

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What about Banjo?

Unwittingly, we made a couple of smart moves before we knew we’d be hitting the road this spring.  One was adopting Banjo. We’d both agreed we wanted a dog to travel with, but the timing for adoption would be tricky.  We had been fostering dogs thinking that we’d start looking for the special one closer […]

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