Seeing Tracy’s best friend, Dave, was our central goal for coming to the Midwest this summer, and with the virus we thought we might have to sacrifice the visit. It took a severe thunderstorm to get us stuck at the brewery where he and his wife were working for the day, but thank you thunderstorm.
We hung out with Dave and Deb all evening, got to sample a variety of Deb’s beers, and felt all the feels.

If ever you’re in the Midwest (and you drink beer), stop by Deb’s Brewtopia. We personally guarantee you’ll find beer you love. We’re heading out with a couple of IPAs (thanks Deb for catering to us sheep), and a barrel-aged stout. They’ve got beers aging for the fall though and are setting up more in barrels for the winter.
The toy we picked up at Dave’s house is a tent with bug netting, and man is this thing cool.

It’s a CLAM tent, and it pops up and down when you pull or push on the Xs that hold up the walls.

Most importantly, it fits in the truck!
I had to say goodbye to my yoga board, but seeing as how I haven’t used it once, that’s not a major sacrifice. Plus Tracy’s going to use some of the board to build a shelf inside the propane housing so we can set tools up there that we need when hitching up.
Onward to northern Wisconsin!
The “house addition” (tent) looks great!
That’s exactly what it is – thanks!