The Dumpsters Moved! (And Even More Exciting Campground Headlines.)

Yes, we’ve been here for 55 days. 55 days.

So when rented construction vehicles start moving large loads of gravel right in front of our trailer, it’s news.


The view below is from our bedroom window.

Campground Employee is on the tractor, Campground Owner is on the backhoe, and Campground Daughter (not pictured because she drives so fast) is on the heavy rolling thingy that smashes the gravel flat.

Just when we were gathering usable data about the speed and efficiency of the trash truck drivers emptying the dumpsters, the campground goes and moves them!

They took delivery of several piles of gravel, filled a hole in the woods beside the dumpsters and smoothed it (over and over and over, thank you energetic Campground Daughter), and then stood by as the trash truck arrived and directed the driver to move the dumpers over to the new pad.

Soon, we hear we’ll have two additional dumpster, plus possibly a trash compactor.

Now we have to start all over with the data capture. Oh wait, we’ll be here only two more weeks, YAY!

Tiny House

I feel guilty taking photos of the tiny house now that Campground Daughter has moved in, so this one below is old.

Now that she’s living there, she’s added the smart addition of a ladder at the front door, and I notice that when friends visit and she’s not home yet, they wait for her by sitting on top of the ladder. #CampgroundLife


Today is Thursday; on Friday the owners start taking reservations for new people to come in, and on Monday recreational campers invade. In preparation, campsites are being graveled and flattened, the bathhouse is being finished, and electricity upgraded.

In fact, yesterday the electricity was down for the day on our loop, right when Tracy was out getting our propane tanks refilled. So Banjo and I had to rough it at home without any means to cook lunch.

It was a moment in glamping history to remember.

(At left is the offending electric box. This is why we have a fancy surge protector.)

Lake Inhabitants

No sightings of the beaver, but I know he’s there because there’s fresh green stuffs at the edge of the lodge and all the outside branches are super neat. I show up around 7:15 each morning and with a summer early sunrise, he’s already off the lake and inside his house.

Banjo reports that he’s been busy around the trail and woods right near the lodge, so all must be well.

The Canadian goose couple has been touring the lake with their babies, showing them off for me on the kayak here.

Your Banjo Fix

Banjo loves lying in the sunshine outside the trailer, but as soon as it gets near the horizon at sunset she’s ready to go inside. She’s so eager to get in that she jumps up on the sofa wearing her harness and won’t uncurl to let us take it off.

Sleeping in the sun is exhausting, apparently.

You guys keep hanging in there.

2 thoughts to “The Dumpsters Moved! (And Even More Exciting Campground Headlines.)”
