
These posts are about aspects of full-timing on the road, not really how-to, more like how-we-did-it.


Every Campsite Should Have a Predator View

I read once that the ideal home base for a family of predators (I think it was lions, in this example) is on a high plateau, with a wide-ranging view so they can keep an eye on grazing prey below. Plus the location should have drinking water nearby and some kind of cover where the lions …

Solace atop a Dry Wash

Last I left you, dear readers (I’ve always wanted to type that), we were scrambling for a place to stay near St. George, Utah, south of impending snow. I was feeling rundown with errands and problems and no exact direction. Not surprisingly, Tracy found us an exceptionally gorgeous campsite—and free—about an hour and a half north …

Tracy’s Parking Skills for the Win Again

We made it into a great boondocking spot in the desert just south of Ajo, Arizona, thanks to a wee bit of luck and a lot of work. Here’s kind of a technical post about finding a boondocking site and actually getting into it. Finding a Site in Hilly, Cactus-covered Desert Here’s the rundown on simply …

Water Conservation While Boondocking 

We may get rain today in the Sonoran Desert just south of Ajo, AZ, and if it’s more than just a drizzle, it’ll be the first rain we’ve ever seen in the desert, and I’m pretty stoked. The washes (dry “river” beds) might fill with running water, and we might see blooms on cacti and ocotillo …

A Pit Stop We Don’t Want to Leave

When we left our last campsite in Watson Lake, Yukon, we were leaking waste water at a little dribble, but it was a leak for sure. Lucky for us the leak was “grey” water, from our shower and kitchen sink, and not “black” water from the toilet. That would have stopped us in our tracks, entirely …

Beach Camping Is the Best Camping

This! This is why I live in a trailer. We’re back on the beach near Galveston, Texas, exactly where we spent a week last year, because it is just the perfect spot for us. It’s not in an ocean-side campground; it’s not a camping spot with a palm-roofed tiki bar. What it is is a beach …


Packing up and Moving On

Goodbye Lake Koocanusa Today’s the day we leave Lake Koocanusa, outside of Eureka, Montana, where we’ve been for two weeks. Two whole weeks! That’s longer than we’ve stayed anywhere since we were in the Florida Keys this past winter, and it’s longer than we’ve stayed anywhere boondocking (without any connections to water, sewer, electricity). I’m going to especially miss watching the …

Come along for a Travel Day

Join me as we leave our two-night campsite at Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas, and tow our home to our next stay for five nights at Nimrod Lake, also in Arkansas but a little south, on our way to Texas. Don’t be fooled by the three-hour driving time. Pack up Inside It’s about 9 am, and Tracy’s drinking his coffee and surveying …

What It’s Really Like on the Road

Right now we’re in Illinois staying at the campground beside the state historical park called Lincoln’s New Salem. I’ll post about this place once we figure out anything about it—I’m not even sure if it’s a state or national historic park or what because much of it is still closed. Stay tuned. In the meantime, I’ve been thinking about life on …

Rough Travel Days!

Our Impossible 11-hour Travel Day

After I wrote that Alice’s Restaurant post, a lot happened.  We didn’t get fined for staying on the beach an extra day, but the opposite happened: we kinda wished the cops had stopped by our trailer, and we wished that twice. Thanksgiving Night 7 pm: Tracy was watching football and I happened to look out …

What a “Bad” Travel Day Looks Like

We’re in a wonderful location right now, so no worries, but we’ve had a few rough travel days lately. And when I’ve mentioned that to friends, they’ve asked what that means. Here goes. Google Maps: You Get What You Pay For Tracy maps out our route each time we tow the trailer, using several sources …

In Search of the Bloom

For a week, we’re boondocking on BLM land at the Carrizo Plain National Monument, the largest native grassland in California. Before I get to why we’re here, I’ll give you a rundown of how we got here, because my friend Susan told me that people don’t understand that this, too, is part of our lifestyle …

Towing Your Home on the Busiest Travel Day

The Monday before Thanksgiving may not be the busiest travel day ever, but as we moved camp that day, each figurative bump along the road made it feel like a doomed day. (Spoiler: in the end Tracy found us the best possible boondocking site right outside the south entrance to Joshua Tree National Park, so …

Errand Days

We don’t have the trailer behind us for these days, but they’re a surprisingly big part of this wild lifestyle.

Strip Mall Tourists

We’re the lamest tourists ever when it comes to visiting cities. We’ve traveled nearly all over the country by now, so why haven’t we immersed ourselves (or even just dipped our toes) in urban culture? Covid Could Still Mess with Us I’ll be quick about this because I’ve belabored the point many times: If Tracy were sick when we had to move, we’d be stuck, since it takes two people to hitch, plus he’s the master trailer …

Errand Day from the Road

I wrote this post the day before coming down with symptoms of Omicron, so I probably had it then and didn’t know it. Note that I wore an N95 mask each time I went inside a public place and never pulled it down. Oh, to have been so ignorant of oncoming Yuck! Head to Town We drive about a half hour from Imperial Dam LTVA into Yuma and the Foothills to run errands. Tracy’s been doing them …

Banjo’s Errand Days

Since we left the Alabama Hills region of California, we’ve been less exploring and more on a mission: to get the damned door finally fixed on the Airstream at a dealership/service center in Temecula, California. The irony is we’ve been in two really stellar campsites during this mission and have hardly been able to spend time in them. Owl Canyon (a different one) This Owl Canyon is outside Barstow, CA, where we stayed one night, and Banjo …