Staying in Place in a Tiny Space

Oh, look at that bit of sun shining on the Firefly in my photo! We had that glorious bit yesterday morning, and I squandered it by sitting in the truck while Tracy went in to Tractor Supply to top off our propane tank, and then he filled up the truck with diesel and we picked up a pizza (more on that glory, below). I should have at least stood outside the truck and felt the sunshine on my face for every minute I could.


What was wonderful about yesterday (in addition to the pizza, the first food we’ve had that we haven’t prepared) was a visit from a good friend from my childhood. She sat outside with us—at a safe distance—and ate pizza and shared stories, and we talked and laughed, and man that felt stellar.

Plus she brought a goodie bag full of limes! Smart woman.

(I forgot to ask her if it’s okay to post about the visit, and we had so much fun I forgot to take pictures. So this is the extent of my report.)

The view from the sofa.

I can’t help but wonder if this is the last person we’ll see for a few weeks. We left our house near DC just in time, but here:

  • We don’t know anyone, so no saying hi to neighbors in the street.
  • We’re in a tiny space, which is fun to learn about—but it is tiny! There are three places you can spend time inside: in bed, at the kitchen table, and on the sofa. I have been doing yoga in the aisle, if that counts. All places are visible from all other places.
  • It’s been raining and cold and grey, which means we’re stuck inside for the most part.

The upside is:

  • We are away from the masses.
  • We’re having fun learning to cook in here (see previous post).
  • We play music all day from Tracy’s very smart downloaded stash on his computer.
  • We’re forced outside whether we like it or not to walk Banjo, which means a messy cleanup to reenter, but it’s good for us.
  • We don’t have strong-enough cell service or WiFi to stream TV, so we’re playing cards, Tracy is reading (I’m waiting for library books on hold, arg!), and I’m playing ukulele and knitting.
  • We both wish we’d brought a complicated board game we could spend all day on, but today I think that will be known as “doing our taxes.”

It’s odd to think of friends going a little bonkers in their houses with their children, when we’re tucked up here in our little tin can by ourselves. It’s great timing for us, in a way, because we’re enjoying the learning process and everything in here is new.

We’ll see how we feel about it in a few weeks! I’m counting on the weather to be better so we can be outside soon, though.

Okay, you guys stay safe.

2 thoughts to “Staying in Place in a Tiny Space”

    1. I’m trying not to set an unreasonable standard for myself, actually! Especially with the floor (super yucky when I’m on it doing yoga with my previously pristine mat). As soon as we have a dry day, though, I’m taking the rugs outside to shake them and sweeping and mopping underneath. You betcha.
