Your Daily Banjo Vol 2

I’ve been posting a photo of Banjo nearly each day on my Facebook feed since we hit the road, which turns out to be an easy way to let friends know where we are. What I didn’t expect is that it’s made Banjo a bit of a rock star. That fits her diva-like personality in some ways; she’s always been persnickety. I joke that depriving her of what she wants (full sunshine, the stretch of the sofa) or forcing her to do something she’s resisting (getting out of the blazing hot sun, moving off the sofa) will give her character, and Tracy’s favorite comeback is, “Banjo has enough character.”

Here are highlights from the last few months of Your Daily Banjo. If you’re a member of Team Banjo, you can see volume 1 here, and here’s a compilation of Banjo in scenic locations: Banjo Across the Country.

Your Sunrise Banjo

When I walk her, I try to get out there first thing, mostly because we’re less likely to run into other dogs (she’s fine with other dogs as long as they keep their distance, which you can’t count on). Bonus: lovely sunrises.

Fennville, Minnesota
Little Rock, Arkansas
Lake Ray Roberts, Texas
Richmond, Virginia

Your Travel Day Banjo

Banjo is so worried we’re going to leave her behind on travel days that she’ll get in the middle of packing up, then sit and look at me with her most angelic expression, as if I’d leave behind a bad dog.

When it’s time for her to get in the truck, sometimes we don’t bother putting on her harness or leash because she’s gonna bea-line it straight there no matter what else might be going on in the campground nearby.

As soon as she jumps up, she settles in and barely raises her head for the entire day.

Except occasionally to see what kind of snack I’m eating up front.

Pushing the Couch Rules

Banjo’s allowed on only one sofa cushion and only when her blanket is on top of it.

Sometimes that’s just not enough space for her.
If we’ve been gone all day, when we come home we’ll find her like this. She doesn’t even bother to jump up and pretend she wasn’t there.
Sometimes she gets a little more couch even when we’re there, just for being cute.
And all the time she confounds her Husky genes by complaining about the cold when not in the direct sun.

Our ottoman is literally the only piece of furniture we own, and man does it play a lot of roles. Storage for Tupperware and pan lids.

Lookout seating for Banjo when Tracy drives away.

An extension to Banjo and Tracy’s love-nest sofa.

Enjoying Her Bed

I put a ton of research into picking out a bed for her outside (this is in addition to the two beds she has inside), and she loves it, only when her blanket is on it.

Her standard weird “Take my paw” pose.
Another standard: I’m relaxing, but I’m also listening.

Good girl, Banjo.

She’s picky about other dogs, other people, and her food. But hey, so am I. And she complains vocally when she doesn’t get her way. Me, too, Banjo. She’s got the broadest range of preferences of any dog I’ve known, which also makes her the most interesting dog I’ve known.

Okay, I’ve got to close this out so I can get her out of the sunshine before she overheats. Come here, Banjo!

6 thoughts to “Your Daily Banjo Vol 2”

  1. Great pics. There’s no such thing as too much Banjo (a sentiment Steve Martin would certainly agree with). You should put together a Banjo wall calendar and sell it!

    1. Good Steve Martin tie-in! A friend once made Banjo postcards and sent them to us, so kind of similar. Maybe part of a line of products. I might need a Banjo-branded logo.
