Tracy and I used to celebrate the first bit of time off work at whatever bar within walking distance had a special going on that day. Once we hit the road, Happy Hour expanded.

First thing we do when we set up camp is find the camp chairs, put together a small snack, and face ourselves towards whatever view we can find.

I didn’t realize I’d taken so many photos of us sitting like this until I accidentally searched “folding chairs” in my Apple Photos.

It’s remarkably relaxing to have this routine, especially after a rough travel day.

Sometimes we have our Kindles in hand, sometimes a deck of cards, often a local beer we saved for that location.

Sometimes Happy Hour is at Tracy’s preferred time, 7 pm, but after an especially taxing travel day we might start as early as 5:00.

The details don’t matter one bit. We always are together; we have our home at our back; and we have the country in our view.

Knee News
My knee is doing well after surgery; I get stitches out today, yay! My leg brace is set so I can bend my knee at a 90-degree angle, and I’m walking with one crutch.

It’s been an odd week, though. I somehow ended up with a drastic haircut I had not intended.

Okay, “somehow” means I went for a haircut with Finn, but the hairdresser and I did not share the same language, and I was so busy focusing on my knee not getting bumped that I forgot to even look at my head. Whoops. An odd haircut comes at a good time for me, though, when I really couldn’t care less.

I also somehow ended up spending a day in the Emergency Room when I didn’t need it.

Okay, “somehow” means I was feeling weird (lightheaded, dizzy, sleepy) and called the nurse line on my health insurance, and they told me to go to the ER. So I went. CT scans, X-rays, blood tests, a whole day of wondering what might be terribly wrong all ended in nothing was wrong at all. Except the hole in our wallets.

I’m still undergoing tests with the endocronologist to see what’s up with weird, previous test results.

After so much testing, questions, new doctors, surgery, hospitals, yadda yadda, I would like to put all this behind me and get back on the road in a month.

Happy Hour is calling.
First, let me just say… wow. Those are the most stunning happy hour photos ever. I adore this tradition and the mete colors of British Columbia are making me itch to visit.
Secondly, hurray for a path to speedy knee recovery. Bad haircuts? Not so much… but the great thing about them is they’re temporary.
Sorry you ended up back in the ER. That’s nobody’s idea of happy.
Thanks! Lots of minor bummers, but my big picture is wonderful. I’m glad the point of this post made it though!
I ended up in the ER for the same reason! Dizzy, lightheaded and sleepy! I have been having periodic episodes of dizziness after I eat. One day I became so sleepy, that I almost nodded off at my desk. On Sunday, I was having lunch with a friend and the same thing happened in a restaurant. I couldn’t drive, I could barely walk. I recovered in a couple of hours and went home, still feeling weird. Now I am having tests – fasting glucose, insulin and a 3 hour glucose tolerance test. Yay me!
Okay, per our text exchange, SNAP. Plus, I hope we can learn from each other’s blood work, if there is such a thing. Wonder twin test results, activate!
These pictures!! Beautiful.
I am so glad your knee is recovering nicely! I tried to comment on a post the other day, but it didn’t go through. I gave up after two tries…
Sorry for the comment problems! I am all thumbs right now. And thanks especially for the good wishes!
I’m so happy to hear that your knee is healing!!! Hopefully you’ll soon be back to doing all the things you love.
Thanks so much Cyndy! I hope everything is good with you and your family.
I have that exact same collapsible side table, but sadly, it has never once seen views even a fraction as grand as yours. I too love your tradition; this post really helps me see the allure in your lifestyle.
A big regret is not once seeing the Hoh Rainforest despite living two decades in Washington state.
Creating these retrospective posts help *me* see the value in this lifestyle! Thanks for encouraging me to make them. I’m still open to requests, too.
The time we spent in Hoh was so so wet and cold and muddy, especially living in the trailer with nowhere to store muddy boots or dry anything off. It was so worth it though.
How about some of the most colorful people you’ve met in your travels?
Good idea!!
That’s a lot of good views!
So I expect Americans get tired of the rest of the world asking questions about your healthcare but why, if you have health insurance, does it cost you to go to the doctor/hospital? Do you pay up front and then get reimbursed? The thought of paying a hospital is weird to me but I guess here if you see a private specialist you pay and then get reimbursed if you have private insurance. Or if you’re like me and uninsurable by private companies, you just pay 🤑
How much you pay depends on your insurance policy in the U.S., with a variety of ways you have to pay. You have to pay until you meet your “deductible” and you have to pay an “out of pocket” expense that varies for each visit. It also depends on whether the doctor or service is “in network” with your insurance. God, it’s complicated. But I think no one has a policy that means they pay nothing. It’s all a betting system really: how much you’re willing to pay an insurance company according to how much you think you’ll need coverage. It’s insane.
Such a nice gallery of serene locations. Cheers!
Cheers to you! I thought of you on Groundhog Day, as always.
Loved this entry! Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Lovely pictures!
Thanks! I aim for warm and fuzzy. 🥰