Tracy and I used to celebrate the first bit of time off work at whatever bar within walking distance had a special going on that day. Once we hit the road, Happy Hour expanded. First thing we do when we set up camp is find the camp chairs, put together a small snack, and face […]
Month: January 2024
Quickie Health Update
I just now realized that my weekly email goes out in five minutes, and my previous health update is long and rambling and circuitous. Maybe not a great idea to write a blog post right after surgery! Here’s a faster read. Surgery went well, 8-hr trip back to the trailer in Brownsville was bearable, recovery […]
Nomad Trickery-Surgery
We’re home from a successful knee surgery, and I’m doing well! I’m grateful that so much I worried about is finally behind me. A friend suggested I write about what it’s like to deal with major medical issues from the road, which I have in past posts, but here goes a tad more, plus updated […]
The Long Road to Surgery
That photo up top is not meant to be deceptive, but the truth is I can’t get in the hot tub anymore. The heat increases my knee’s swelling (duh) and makes me miserable! So, think of that photo as a eulogy to the Tropical Trails RV Resort hot tub. Yes, poor, poor me, unable to […]
Contentment Feels Like Bliss
In the middle of a bunch of craziness, I had one of those unusual moments of awareness. It was in the morning, and I was sitting beside my son on the sofa in the trailer. We were both worn out after having gotten in from the airport at 3 a.m. We were both wearing the […]
Drinking Our Way Across the Country
For four years, we’ve travelled the U.S. and Canada, doing our best to learn a bit about local culture where we can. We’re not much for organized venues like visitor centers or museums, but we do love to ride our bikes in neighborhoods (this gives you a great feel for locals) and to check out […]
Bad Tent News and Good Knee News
I have bad news for everyone who’s ever hung out with us since we’ve been on the road: we lost the tent. Not like we can’t find it, but it’s kaput. Winds really did gust at 53 mph here, and they broke a strut that then tore a hole, and yadda yadda irreparable damage was […]
Where Would You Live?
Imagine you could live anywhere in the U.S. Let’s say a magic wand waved over you, and now you’re untethered: not your job, not your kids’ schools, nothing is holding you to wherever you are right now. Where would you choose to live? Full-timers like us are asked that question all the time (Mark My […]
The Knee Goes to Houston
After a long three weeks of fighting the usual healthcare rigamarole (plus a little malicious negligence that added a fourth), I have a plan for the knee. It’s a lot messier than this weirdness I just put together, but here it is in a nutshell. It demonstrates decently how life on the road can be […]
Won’t You Meet My Neighbors
Wanna come along with me as I drive my borrowed golf cart around this RV resort and wave at the neighbors? Right here on my “street” you can see what a different place this is now that the late-comers have pulled in. As soon as Christmas was done, RVs from all over the U.S. and […]