Doug’s Pics Continued

Shelly here.

I love looking at Doug’s pictures and reading his and Melanie’s take on camping and hiking up here! A while back I posted a compilation of his entries so far in Yukon and Alaska, and here’s a catch-up in chronological order.

The links below are to his posts on his blog, which I recommend, since his blog allows you to click on the pictures and see them full-screen. The pictures below are a sampling of his but compressed due to my blog format limitations.

The towns of Chicken and Eagle:

Fairbanks (they went to a bird-watching area that we had to miss):

Denali National Park:

With some of the same views and some news ones, and always extraordinary.

Denali Highway:

Again, Doug and Melanie (and Carl and his wife Brenda, who flew in from Florida for a visit) got a few similar pictures but way way better ones and some different ones. These are but a shadow of what they look like when you see them full-screen.

These are a few favs from Doug’s posts, in case you don’t have time to click on his links.

Carl is also an incredible photographer and puts his on Flickr; I’m looking forward to sharing those later, with his permission.

Next up: Doug and Melanie and Tracy and I meet up at the Alaska State Fair!

Doug and Melanie

Doug and Melanie are avid explorers and hikers. They travel with their Kimberly Kamper, and their home base is Ohio. (For more posts by these authors, click on their names, above.)
