That image up top is from three years ago today, the first night we slept in our new home. Okay, it was in the dealer parking lot in New Jersey and our next-day destination was a storage lot in Maryland, but still. That feels like a lifetime ago.
When someone asks me about a particular place we’ve visited, I go directly to this blog and type it into the search bar. What comes up is as much a surprise to me as it is to them. We have traveled so damn much. And I shock myself with 1) how awesome our adventures have been (according to my photos), and 2) how much I complain (according to my writing)! I hope the combo provides an accurate view of my life on the road so far.
A nagging thought: I’ve started to wish that so many posts weren’t buried in anonymity under this rapid-fire blog. I’ve created several ways to find old posts (my annual best-of series, plus the clickable travel map), but that’s not enough for me. Maybe it’s narcissism, maybe it’s the organizer in me, maybe it really is a desire to hold on to these experiences as they fall out of my brain to make way for new ones—whatever it is, I’m driven to compile.
So, I’ve created themed pages of links to posts. Not all and not all great posts, but posts I feel like define my experience so far. You can find them in the dropdown menu called “Highlights” and “Other Than Travel.” It’s very much all a work in progress, as I add posts to the pages when I think of them.

There’s more—but really how much can you deep-dive into someone else’s recent memories and not get bored, or lost, or both? It’s wild enough for me down here.
Still, if you like whiling away your time in someone else’s brain, look no farther than the top menu. And, if there’s a type of blog post you’ve enjoyed over the past three years, let me know, and I’ll feature it in that menu.
More importantly, thanks for being with us for these three years!