It’s a chilly, drizzly day on top of Sweetwater Summit at its regional park campground—in the town of Chula Vista, directly east of San Diego. But no matter: we have full hookups, which means we can run the heat pump on city electricity (saving our propane for nights in the tent), and I’ve been gleefully washing everything in sight, baking casseroles, showering in the trailer, and overall basking in the benefits of city utilties!
Spring in San Diego
There’s more to this glammed-up park than spacious, flat campsites filled with big-ole class-A’s though. I’ve walked miles of trails winding around the summit and down to the reservoir.
Flowers are blooming left right and center, which means more cottontail rabbits than you can count at a glance, all over the park and in our campsite.

And bunnies means coyotes. I’ve watched a coyote eat a morning breakfast of rabbit right in the playground (no children were around that early in the morning), and this one blithely walked across the path in front of our campsite without a care in the world. They must be stuffed full of rabbits and dim-witted.

When Banjo is paying attention, she is very interested in coyotes. Here she can smell one but not see it; those hackles at the base of her tail would be from the tip of her tail up her back over her neck if she had seen it, and she would have barked like a Hound of Baskervilles and lounged with a less-than-friendly intent.

Seeing as how coyotes and rabbits both get her very excited, it’s a good thing she spends most of the time at our campsite looking like this.

Social Time
Even better than electricity and hot water and beautiful views are friends. Shana and Marcus got their RV back from the shop and have joined us here at Sweetwater (they’re the Southern California experts and clued us in to this campground in the first place). Last night we hung out in the tent, talking about their life aboard their boat at the start of the pandemic (we thought we were isolating in a small space!) and their plans as relatively new retirees in their fifth-wheel rig.

We have three more days here with them, and then we don’t know when we’ll see them again! As usual, though, I am bubbling over with ideas for them to write about as guest bloggers. They experience full-time RVing from several perspectives that Tracy and I have zero first-hand experience with, so if they’re game to blogging, I’m sure you’re going to dig what they have to say.
In the meantime, more in-person stories! More laughing! More discovering what we have in common and what we can learn from each other. But, mostly laughing.