I made lots of errors on this one, but it’s the most visually interesting one I’ve made, despite that.

I took on the wiring job myself this time, and voila! All the lights work but one. (There’s always one!) And I don’t mean to disparage Tracy’s skills as an electrician; he did completely retire our old trailer, The Frolic. But this job takes tiny hands and a level of patience only someone who built the house would have.

The bathroom is not my finest, due to way too much glue in the shower.
Many parts of the house look more inviting with the dim lights.
Full lighting shows my triumph at finally managing pillows, blankets, and throws. Gluing tiny pieces of cloth is very hard.

And here’s the sauna again because it does look cool!

Next up for my tiny house obsession: I dunno. I very much want to take on another, but the ones I can find that are as complex as this one (or more so) are too big for my travel container that fits in the shower. This will take research.
Oh, the trials of someone with time on her hands and an obsession with miniature.
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