I wanted to call this, “Beach Bum Banjo,” but she hasn’t been able to lie around on the beach here. There are too many dogs on the small beach at the RV park, and so many of them are off leash in and out of the water, Still, Banjo has her daily routine that she enjoy around the park, in the tent, and in the trailer, and you guys requested More Banjo. Here ‘tis.
Morning Walk
At sunrise I take her out of the gate and down the sidewalk beside the highway, partly so I can see the sunrise but also to avoid what I call the Parade of Dogs that starts shortly after sunrise, when everyone’s dog has to go out to pee.

She’s not thrilled with this walk without many smells or much nature, and she’d rather go under the bridge at the beach to check out the lagoon on the other side.

Tracy takes her there after lunch though, since he’s more confident in how to handle off-leash stranger-dog encounters (plus fewer dogs are around in the afternoons). So she sniffs around the fence that supposedly keeps non-RV Park residents away from “our” beach, and she pretends to enjoy the sunrise with me. Really, she’s ready to get back to the trailer for 8 am breakfast.
Morning Habits
This is her post-breakfast retreat, at the foot of our bed. She makes the most of the small spaces here.

After her digestive repose, she would like to go outside into the sunshine, please. Now, please. Let’s go. Come on. Here’s the leash. Here’s the door handle. I’ll just stand in front of the door so you can’t go outside without me.

Outside, she’d prefer to lie in the direct sun on the coral gravel on our small lot.

But because the dog parade is almost non-stop by then, we keep her in the tent. And most of the time she relaxes happily there; it’s her safe place.

Sometimes she’s on guard, as dogs walk by barking or running beside golf carts, beside people on skateboards, scooters, bikes with paddle boards balanced under their arms, etc. There are many people, many dogs, many ways dogs run around here. Banjo keeps an eye on them all.

Tracy takes her to the lagoon, as I mentioned, which she loves, because she can root out lizards and small rodents from the brush, and even try to catch fish in small pools. Where there’s a critter, Banjo’s interested.
In the Trailer
I used to have a fake fur throw on Banjo’s part of the couch so she’d know where she’s allowed to be. You can see how well she follows that guideline.

But one wet day when I was doing laundry at a campground, I threw the fake fur in the dryer thinking otherwise it’d never dry outside, and I burnt off all the soft ends. Damn. Instead of a luxurious throw, it became a rough bunch of nubbins.
So I replaced it with a simple cushion cover. Banjo seems to not care what’s on the sofa, as long as it’s her.

Actually, she finds it quite comfy, especially if you’re beside her scratching her tummy.

So that’s your Banjo update from the Keys! No snorkeling for her and no sun bathing. But she’s getting plenty of rest and lots of dog watching.

And lots of attention from us.
hiii banjo looking linda
We love your blog and this one about Banjo is great. She really reminds us of our dog Bordeaux. She seems to have adopted the Keys lifestyle. Are there still street performers in Key West with Covid? We always made a point to stop by and see the famous cat man.
Hi Patti! How cool that even as you get to know Banjo, she still makes you think of Bordeaux. We didn’t mess around in Key West long enough to see any street performers – we were out of there by mid-afternoon. I’m guessing they’re still there though!