We’ve just reserved a campsite for Thanksgiving, which calls to mind all the times I’ve driven to the family dinner with Alice’s Restaurant playing on the car stereo—in four-part harmony.
If you’ve somehow never heard this long rambling delirious wonderful song about resistance, listen to it now.
Gettin’ more injections, inspections, detections, neglections ….
and all kinds of stuff that they was doin’ to me at the thing
Arlo Guthrie
There, and I was there for two hours three hours four hours I was
There for a long time goin’ through all kinds of mean, nasty, ugly things
And I was just havin’ a tough time there, and they was inspectin’,
Injectin’, every single part of me, and they was leavin’ no part untouched
We’re done with the inspections of our bodies, Banjo’s body, the truck, and the trailer! All is clear, for the most part.
This isn’t interesting so I’ll illustrate it with photos of all the Airstreams at the Escapees Park where we’re stuck right now.

Our doctors appointments are finished, but I need additional dental work. (I’ve mentioned this before, surely? I’m sorry.)

The most pressing issue remaining is illustrated by the image at the very top.
What’s missing?
The truck is in the shop, for an indefinite amount of time. So, legally we are free to roam the roads now, with our Texas plates and insurance and licenses, but the truck has to actually drive proper-like first.

It’s at the local dealer while we sit in this weird campground and take photos of all the Airstreams near us. And by “we” I mean “me.”

The upsides are that we can walk to get our mail (this is the only place in the world we’ll ever be able to do that). Plus the laundromat is also a walk away and often empty. And we have full hook-ups, so I can wash dishes with abandon!
The downsides are there isn’t anything else. No lake, no trails, no biking, no hiking, no brewery. Tomorrow we’ll see if Walmart will delivery groceries to the campground headquarters. If not, we’re eating a lot of dried foods for the next two weeks.
Be prepared for more Airstream photos. No more inspection, detections, rejection, though. Until I get to Naples and see a proper dentist.
Group W bench?! With the mother rapers and father rapers? 😂
I saw Arlo a few years back! Fabulous- yes, he did Alice’s Restaurant!
And the Mother stabbers and father stabbers! Such a fun song. I thing I’ve see Arlo play this as well; he’s timeless.