Great Campsite, Too Little Time

We had only three days at Perrot State Park in Wisconsin, right across the Mississippi from Michigan, near La Crosse. I’ve mentioned this before but it’s increasingly relevant: more people than ever are in RVs camping. Other full-timers tell us they never had to bother with campground reservations until this year, and now they’re having to make them six months out.

That’s why we had only three days at Perrot—now we’re headed to our next campground reservation farther north in Wisconsin. After that though we do not have reservations and are going to try to wing our way into the UP, hitting campgrounds that are walk-ins only.

This was a real gem for us, though. A private campsite with plenty of shade, trails along the local river that feeds into the Mississippi, a walkable prairie, and a trail over a huge hill with a view of the Mighty Mighty herself.

Tracy stayed in the local town once on a kayak trip, and, as we were driving through looking at where he’d stayed, we saw a band at the bandstand by the river park. What a different experience we’d be having if there were no pandemic.

Today is Banjo’s first adoptaversary with us! On this important date I cleaned out the treat bag in the spice drawer and pulled out the dog supplies container from way under one of the seats (whew) and found her a new special treat. Good girl.

Some of the things I haven’t gotten photos of:

  • vast fields of corn moving under a storm,
  • a guy who drove by Deb’s Brewtopia not once but twice with the longest canoe I’ve ever seen titling at an angle out the back, way longer than the truck bed, and
  • a Mexican restaurant I stepped into to pick up lunch with a sign-in sheet at the front for virus tracing.

And Tracy beating me twice in Firefly! How dare he. It was a close game each time, though.

Okay, we’re on the road north, where we won’t have water, sewer, electricity, and maybe even cell service. Northern woodlands, here we come.

5 thoughts to “Great Campsite, Too Little Time”

  1. Good pictures Shelly, love them! Campgrounds are full here i Sweden too. People are buying summer cottages and boats like crazy, almost like a pandemic in itself when people can’t go abroad like before.
    So you are heading to the unknown? But you seem more than well prepared for it. Good traveling!
    Love, Li

  2. beautiful shots! Im learning through you, about our country. Mountains in Wisconsin?? Who knew? (probably everybody but me!)
