Travel, Explore, Repeat

Welcome to my nomad travel blog. I live in my Airstream, sometimes parked off-grid, sometimes in campgrounds, staying for a bit to explore and then moving on.

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Oh man, I had what I thought was a funny title for this post—and that’s what it got published with—but now I’m thinking it’s a lot less funny and a lot more weird. It’s hard to joke about plumbing, either in the trailer or in the person, and I was …
I try to keep to one topic per post, but we’ve been crazy busy lately. I even forgot to send out my Friday morning email to readers, for the first time in five years! Okay, it’s automated, which means five years ain’t much to brag about—but also, how could I …
For the first time in five years, I’m going to share our travel plans for spring/summer/fall only broadly here. No detailed map with circles and arrows, no list with dates. Here’s: 1) why not, 2) our plan in broad strokes, 3) my new blog structure for presenting our travels. Seems …
Eons ago, Blogging Mentor Mark asked if I’d write a post about the odd people I’ve met on the road. Good idea, right? I started in on it all excited, thinking, this will be the best retrospective post ever! I called it, “Strangers Stranger Than than Usual Strangers.” That post …
It feels surreal to be spending energy on anything seemingly pointless compared to the news these days, but here I am, blogging. I will do my darnedest to make this interesting, even when I can’t feign cheerfulness. We have a week and a half left before we hit the road, …
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I used to keep up a travel map here with little color-coded icons that linked to blog posts I’d written from each place. The map got crowded and impractical after a while, so I’m now categorizing places as a way to indicate where we’ve been. National parks are such an …
Here a post from each state that 1) we’ve camped in and that 2) I’ve blogged about, at least as far as I can remember. It really seems like we’ve been to more states, so I’ll keep working on this. Note: I tried not to include national parks, since they …
A few posts about our summer in Alaska; more are listed below …
I plan to organize posts here per province, but in the meantime, here’s a sampling of posts from our summers in Canada …



Creating tiny houses from kits is a hobby I started in the Airstream because it’s small and quiet (so I can do it at night while I’m awake and Tracy’s asleep). I am now obsessed. Quick View of All Here’s a slideshow of nearly all the Tiny Houses I’ve made …
This is a series of personal posts about grief and family, by me and my guest writers. Some of these were very very hard to write, and friends tell me they’re hard to read. Others I wrote real quick-like, mainly to fill in gaps in my life and to reveal …
I’m fortunate to include frequent writers other than myself, occasional guest submissions, and sets of links to other blogs that are relevant to mine. Here are the regular contributors: Shana and Marcus Click here for all of Shana and Marcus’ posts. We are a post-pandemic retired duo who decided society …